My goal was to run the 5k (3.1 miles) nonstop in under 30 minutes.
I was very close. My time chip gave me a time of 30.11.25! 12 seconds away from my goal!

Oh well, it's so close that I'll consider the goal met!
my stats:
Place 76/171 (this includes men)
Div/Tot 8/38 (8th of age 30-39 females!)
Bib# 2132
Name Z...., JENNIFER
Div 5K30-39F
Time 00:30:25.10
Pace/Mile 09:48
Gen F
Gen/Tot 32/111 (#32 out of 111 females)
Chip Time 00:30:11.25 (my actual time)
I played "spot the Lululemon" while I ran. Lots of women wore their clothes. Including me! I'm wearning Race Tech Mesh top, Rock Out Shorts, Flight Running Bonnet, Ultimate Running Socks.