Then, my mom commented that it looked good on me, and that my brother has a coat just like it. UGHHH!

I wanted to make the coat NOT look like something my brother would wear, so I went hunting at fabric stores. It took a while, but I eventually found this pink & grey flower trim.

It certainly dresses up the coat, doesn't it!
Close up of the trim - it's kind of hairy, which gives it a soft look, and goes well with the texture of the wool coat.
I have many metres left of this trim, and I'd like to put more on the coat, but I'm not sure where to put it.
A "bracelet" around the sleeves?
Along the bottom hem?
Down the front, as fake princess seams?
Down the edge of the front, but that would be asymmetric?
Along the pockets?
A shape on the back of the coat - like a star, flower, something like that?
Or leave it as good enough?
Please, if you have an idea, post a comment.